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5 Signs That You Need To Replace Your Furnace

October 2, 2019

5 Signs That You Need To Replace Your Furnace

As we fall into autumn, it is getting closer and closer to the home heating season. And, as the leaves fall around you, you may be wondering if you need to replace your furnace. After all, the trees will soon be bare and the cold temperatures will soon be here. To help our customers figure out if it is time to upgrade their home’s furnace to a newer, more energy efficient model, we have asked our HVAC technicians put together the top 5 telltale signs that you need to replace your furnace.

The 5 Signs That You Need To Replace Your Furnace

  1. Your furnace has reached retirement age.
    Just like people, home heating systems have a retirement age. If your home’s furnace is 15 plus years old, it is time to consider its replacement. In the long run, an increase in repair costs paired with a decrease in system efficiency can actually cost you more than a system replacement. Replacing your furnace for a newer, more energy efficient model will save you money, lower your home’s carbon footprint and provide you with dependable – and safe! – home heating for years to come.
  2. Temperatures are uneven throughout your home.
    Have you noticed that some rooms in your home just aren’t getting warm enough? While other rooms seem to be too hot? Uneven heat distribution is a sign that your furnace’s efficiency level is extremely low.
  3. Your utility bills are growing.
    Furnaces lose their efficiency over time (especially without regular maintenance). If your home’s heating bills continue to increase while your demand on the furnace stays the same, it is a clear sign that your system is aging out of proper working order.
  4. You are really getting to know your HVAC technician.
    Did you have multiple visits from our home heating technicians last winter? If you answered yes, your system repair costs can really be adding up. Not to mention, your furnace is providing unreliable and potentially dangerous heat to your home. And, while we know our HVAC technicians are great, we are sure that scheduling them to come out to your home for an emergency heating repair is not your idea of a good time!
  5. The furnace is asking for it.
    Has the noise from your furnace increased? Do you hear booms, bangs, clanging and shrieking noises when the heat kicks in or is on? If you do, your furnace is most likely asking you to let it stop working. An increase in noise levels can indicate numerous system issues, such as loose parts, broken elements, and need-to-be replaced belts.

If you are experiencing any of the above system issues, chances are that you need to replace your furnace. Give us a call today. We offer free in-home estimates on furnace replacements. And call us with confidence. All of our HVAC work is backed with a satisfaction guarantee.

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